Friday, September 27, 2013

Back to the Drawing Board...

First off, a little bit about myself and this blog.

This blog is about the game Eve Online, a game I have played for a number of years.  I started a blog several years back to scratch my writing itch, but after a single post (after only a day or two) my site went down because the hosting service folded and closed its doors.

Oh well.  Fast forward to today.  I've still been playing Eve Online, and still love to write, and the last Blog Banter Question made me really think about re-starting my blog.  So after some hemming and hawing about the right title, and the wrong keyboard, I've decided to give it a stab.

I have three characters at this point, my main, my trade/manufacture alt, and a new trade alt that's been on a training hiatus for quite awhile and I'll be happy to share the alts with you.  (For the record, figuring out who my main is is not terribly difficult, but I won't do your intel homework for you.  Those of you who know me, please don't blab it out, make them work for it too). 

The main focus of this blog is going to be Aziza Minz, trade alt, researcher, explorer and hauler, and really the economic engine behind my game these days. 

The Jita alt's name is Little Red Cookbook, and has primarily been a rifter pilot, who is now working on her trade skills and faction standings.  She's also slated to take over ammo and drone manufacture from Aziza, because Aziza's busy these days making t2 ships and mods.

The primary reason for me to write this blog is to prime the pump for other writing I do, and a venue to write about things that affect me in the Eve Universe, for good or for ill, so don't expect an 'all combat' or 'all market' or 'all manufacturing' slant to the blog, it's not going to happen.  Specialization is for ants.

That's all I have for now for an introduction, so until next time:
Fly Better than Your Enemies!

Aziza Minz

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